Categories 品茶论坛

(Knock knock) …

(Heart throbbing) … Tian Shu, please tell me what I should do. (Knock knock) … (Heart throbbing) … …… In addition to his head cling to close-fitting slate, in addition to letting his body and mind finish, I am suspended in front of my eyes. This machine Tian Shu can’t do anything at this time.…

Categories 桑拿会所

"You heard it. Do you want it to come over?"

"Why don’t you have a white labor force is not good? Words when scouts fox is much smarter than dogs "uncle plausibly said. Fang Ning suddenly said, "Then I’ll go back to the system and see what you can do with your desires of the heart, but it’s better than me …" "I don’t care…

Categories 桑拿会所

Chen Haoxuan was speechless at that time. It seems that Lu Xiusi has long known that he would take the initiative to report Shen Nuo’s peace.

"Hugh, why do you quarrel with Shen Nuo every day recently? Is it because this matter has not been solved yet?" Chen Haoxuan heart asked. "It is estimated that Lu Fei will know about this matter when Shen Nuo arrives, and he will definitely tell you then!" Lu Xiusi said "You are really ugly today!"…


面 江满楼和山墨颜跟后面两人身后还有两位披甲老者默默由终没有说过一句话 王小二自幼拜入剑阁当然也是见多识广对两位老者身份有所猜测便口问道“这两件兵器出自你手?” 他没有称呼前辈而是直言‘兵器’二字 江满楼得意洋洋“可入得王师兄法眼?” “什么境界?” “灵窍境巅峰” “马马虎虎” “没办法当年秘法档案早已被先辈们焚烧殆尽我也是对着那九件兵器钻研许久才琢磨出这入门法” 王小二说道“所你打算此诱饵然后请君入瓮?” 江满楼笑道“那哪儿能?潜藏此天异族又不是傻区区天劫九者两件仿不足套他们不会来” “所你打算?” “当然是真正天劫九者” 王小二讶异且骇然“你把他们唤醒了?” 江满楼笑而不语一幅你猜你再猜模样实真相早就写了脸很是讨厌 王小二叹了生气“有时候挺想揍你不过也不得不承认你生俱来术字门道天赋已经不知不觉超越了江家历代先祖先是捣鼓出战场杀器铁浮屠如今又唤醒了沉睡千年当初连神引境圣人都要忌惮几分天劫九者真不知道接来还会发生什么” Jiang Manlou is enjoying Wang Xiaoer’s praise, opening his arms and closing his eyes, feeling the fresh landscape. "Surprise? Is it a miracle? " Wang Xiaoer’s reluctance to meditate on your breath is obviously also a recognition that Jiang…